- Are you working on developing novel digital technologies for better healthcare, or are you finding new ways to use tehcnology within medical diagnostics?
- Are you interested in bilateral project partnerships?
- Or do you want to find out what are the funding opportunities for your company?
If so, find out how you might be able to receive funding from the DIGI-B-CUBE open call. A project can receive between € 60 000 and € 150 000 in grants, depending on the type of project.
This event will inform about specific funding opportunities under the DIGI-B-CUBE project and also other funding opportunities within Norway and EU and is a platform to match potential companies that would like to cooperate on a project.
- When? Workshop: 10.00-12.30 CET 20 January 2021.
B2B matchmaking sessions after the workshop (meetings must be booked via B2Match)
- Where? Online – link will be provided.
Questions? Get in touch:
Pavan Sriram, pavan.sriram@digitalnorway.no
DIGI-B-CUBE – a EU funded Horizon 2020 project where Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) in the areas of Health & ICT can receive funding, innovation & technical support, and become part of a large pan-European network of forward-thinking companies and researchers within the health sector.
Intended outcomes
Sitting in home office? Take your lunch break during the workshop and get informed about:
- The opportunities the DIGI-B-CUBE project, Innovation Norway & Research Council of can offer for the Health & ICT sector
- Opportunities for international cooperation in the relevant sectors
- Specific examples for potential collaboration projects
- Bring new perspectives to research projects and, together with the health approach, provide comprehensive and very competitive solutions in the market.